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Since October 1, 2024, this version is no longer actively maintained and will not be updated. New plugins and plugin updates will continue to be listed.



Implementation of the Silver Mountain Operator (SMO) for the estimation of background distributions.

PyPi License PyPi Conda

SMO is a Python package that implements the Silver Mountain Operator (SMO), which allows to recover an unbiased estimation of the background intensity distribution in a robust way.

We provide an easy to use Python package and plugins for some of the major image processing softwares: napari, CellProfiler, and ImageJ / FIJI. See Plugins section below.


To learn more about the theory behind SMO, you can read the pre-print in BioRxiv.

If you use this software, please cite that pre-print.


To obtain a background-corrected image, it is as straightforward as:

from smo import SMO

image =
smo = SMO(sigma=0, size=7, shape=(1024, 1024))
background_corrected_image = smo.bg_corrected(image)

where we used a sample image from scikit-image. By default, the background correction subtracts the median value of the background distribution. Note that the background regions will end up with negative values, but with a median value of 0.

A notebook explaining in more detail the meaning of the parameters and other possible uses for SMO is available here: smo/examples/usage.ipynb Open In Colab.


It can be installed with pip from PyPI:

pip install smo

or with conda from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge smo



A napari plugin is available.

To install:

  • Option 1: in napari, go to Plugins > Install/Uninstall Plugins... in the top menu, search for smo and click on the install button.

  • Option 2: just pip install this package in the napari environment.

It will appear in the Plugins menu.


A CellProfiler plugin in available in the smo/plugins/cellprofiler folder.

To install, save this file into your CellProfiler plugins folder. You can find (or change) the location of your plugins directory in File > Preferences > CellProfiler plugins directory.

ImageJ / FIJI

An ImageJ / FIJI plugin is available in the smo/plugins/imagej folder.

To install, download this file and:

  • Option 1: in the ImageJ main window, click on Plugins > Install... (Ctrl+Shift+M), which opens a file chooser dialog. Browse and select the downloaded file. It will prompt to restart ImageJ for changes to take effect.

  • Option 2: copy into your ImageJ plugins folder (File > Show Folder > Plugins).

To use the plugin, type smo on the bottom right search box:

select smo in the Quick Search window and click on the Run button.

Note: the ImageJ plugin does not check that saturated pixels are properly excluded.


Code style is enforced via pre-commit hooks. To set up a development environment, clone the repository, optionally create a virtual environment, install the [dev] extras and the pre-commit hooks:

git clone
cd SMO
conda create -n smo python pip numpy scipy
pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install


  • 2.0.2

Last updated:

  • 06 February 2023

First released:

  • 21 September 2021


Supported data:

  • Information not submitted

Plugin type:

GitHub activity:

  • Stars: 12
  • Forks: 4
  • Issues + PRs: 2

Python versions supported:

Operating system:


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • typing-extensions ; python_version < "3.9"