PHILOW is an interactive deep learning-based platform for 3D datasets
Python-based platform for human-in-the-loop (HITL) workflow (PHILOW)
PHILOW is an interactive deep learning-based platform for 3D datasets implemented on top of napari
This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugin template.
Install napari and Pytorch first.
See napari and Pytorch for more information.
You can install napari-PHILOW
via pip:
pip install napari-PHILOW
or clone this repository
pip install -e .
Launch napari
load dataset¶
Plugins > napari-PHILOW > Annotation Mode
Select original dir : all slices must be in separate 8bit PNG and must be sequentially numbered (e.g. 000.png, 001.png ...)
Select mask dir : To resume from the middle of the annotation, specify here the name of the directory containing the mask image. The directory must contain the same number of files with the same name as the original image.
If you are starting a completely new annotation, you do not need to specify a directory. The directory for mask is automatically created and blank images are generated and stored. -
Enter a name for the label or model you want to create (e.g. mito, cristae, ...)
This name will be used as the directory name of the newly created mask dir if no mask dir is specified, and as the name of the csv file for training dataset management. -
Check if you want to create new dataset (new model) When checked, if there is already a csv file for training dataset management, a new csv file with one sequential number will be generated.
Start tracing
create labels¶
Create a label with the brush function. more information →
Orthogonal view¶
If you want to see orthogonal view, click on the location you want to see while holding down the Shift button.
The image from xy, yz, and zx will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
Low confident layer¶
If you are in the second iteration and you are loading the prediction results, you will see a low confidence layer.
This shows the area where the confidence of the prediction result is low.
Use this as a reference for correction.
Small object layer¶
We provide a small object layer to find small painted areas.
This is a layer for displaying small objects.
The slider widget on the left allows you to change the maximum object size to be displayed.
save labels¶
If you want to save your label, click the "save" button on the bottom right.
select training dataset¶
We are providing a way to manage the dataset for use in training.
If you want to use the currently displayed slice as your training data, click the 'Not Checked' button near the center left to display 'Checked'.
Train and pred with your gpu machine¶
To train on your GPU machine (or with CPU),
Plugins > napari-PHILOW > Trainer
Select original dir : all slices must be in separate 8bit PNG and must be sequentially numbered (e.g. 000.png, 001.png ...)
Select labels dir : all label images should be named same as original images and contains data management csv file
Select dir for save trained model
Click on the "start training" button
Dice score and dice loss are displayed. For more detail, check the command line for the progress of training. If you want to stop in the middle, click stop button.
Plugins > napari-PHILOW > Trainer
Click on the "Cristae segmentation mode" button
Select original dir : all slices must be in separate PNG and must be sequentially numbered (e.g. 000.png, 001.png ...)
Select mito mask dir : all label images should be named same as original images
Select dir for save trained model
Select cristae labels dir : all label images should be named same as original images and contains data management csv file
Click on the "start training" button
Dice score and dice loss are displayed. For more detail, check the command line for the progress of training. If you want to stop in the middle, click stop button.
To predict labels on your machine,
Plugins > napari-PHILOW > Predicter
Select original dir : all slices must be in separate 8bit PNG and must be sequentially numbered (e.g. 000.png, 001.png ...)
(Optional) Select labels dir if you want to keep labels witch were used on training, and data management csv file
Select model dir contains hdf5 file
Select output dir for predicted labels
Uncheck the box if you DO NOT want to use TAP (Three-Axis-Prediction)
Click on the "predict" button
Check the command line for the progress of prediction. If you want to stop in the middle, use ctrl+C.
You can start the next round of annotation by selecting the merged_prediction directory as the mask dir in Annotation mode.
Plugins > napari-PHILOW > Predicter
Select original dir : all slices must be in separate PNG and must be sequentially numbered (e.g. 000.png, 001.png ...)
(Optional) Select cristae labels dir if you want to keep labels witch were used on training, and data management csv file
Select model dir contains hdf5 file
Select output dir for predicted labels
Uncheck the box if you DO NOT want to use TAP (Three-Axis-Prediction)
Click on the "Use cristae inference mode" button
Select mitochondria mask dir : all label images should be named same as original images
Click on the "predict" button
Check the command line for the progress of prediction. If you want to stop in the middle, use ctrl+C.
You can start the next round of annotation by selecting the merged_prediction directory as the mask dir in Annotation mode.
Train and predict with Google Colab¶
If you don't have a GPU machine, you can use Google Colab to perform GPU-based training and prediction for free.
Open train and predict notebook and click "Open in Colab" button
You can upload your own dataset to train and predict, or try it on demo data
Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0 license, "napari-PHILOW" is free and open source software
If you encounter any problems, please [file an issue] along with a detailed description.
Shogo Suga
Hiroki Kawai
Yusuke Hirabayashi
Shogo Suga, Koki Nakamura, Yu Nakanishi, Bruno M Humbel, Hiroki Kawai, Yusuke Hirabayashi, An interactive deep learning-based approach reveals mitochondrial cristae topologies. PLoS Biol 21(8): e3002246.
@article {Suga_Nakamura_Nakanishi_Humbel_Kawai_Hirabayashi_2023,
title={An interactive deep learning-based approach reveals mitochondrial cristae topologies},
journal={PLOS Biology},
publisher={Public Library of Science},
author={Suga, Shogo and Nakamura, Koki and Nakanishi, Yu and Humbel, Bruno M. and Kawai, Hiroki and Hirabayashi, Yusuke},
Supported data:
- Information not submitted
Plugin type:
GitHub activity:
- Stars: 26
- Forks: 4
- Issues + PRs: 3